- Set up a Help-O-Meter to keep track of the number of hours youth volunteer in the community.
- Organize a recognition program for the volunteers who lead community organizations.
- Work in a concession stand to raise money for a good cause.
- Make a gift for the secretary of a non-profit organization you are associated with.
- Take photos during an event and donate them to the event organizers.
- Volunteer to be a museum guide.
- Share a talent through teaching a class.
- Make birthday cards for the elderly.
- Run or walk in a charity race with friends.
- Volunteer your talents at a charity auction.
- Plan a Memorial Day program for the elderly.
Self service learning
- Surprise your parent(s) or neighbors and offer to babysit a sibling, relative or friend. Design a game for young children.
- Read a book to a younger kid a blind person or an older neighbor.
- Make get well cards for people in hospitals and convalescent homes.
- Join a community crime prevention organizations such as DARE or McGruff Program.
- Create a TV or radio public service announcement against drugs and alcohol.
- Paint over graffiti.
- Start an anti-smoking campaign that encourages students not to smoke.
- Encourage the school cafeteria to donate left over food to local homeless shelters.
- Have your class hold an old videotape drive and donate them to your library.
- Invite local police officers to present a drug awareness or bike safety assembly.
- Tape you and your classmates reading a story and give it to a children's hospital.
- Conduct a canned goods drive during a school event and donate the items to a local food bank.
- Provide child care during a PTA meeting.
- Recognize teachers during National Education Week.
- Volunteer to serve as a crossing guard before and after school.
- Make simple reading and math flash cards for a preschool or day care center.
- Provide a voter pick up or transportation service for seniors.
- Campaign for a candidate who is running for an office.
- Organize a public issues forum for candidates.
- Help cook and/or serve a meal at homeless shelter.
- During National Nutrition month in March, organize a nutrition awareness campaign.
- Organize a food scavenger hunt to collect food for the needy.
- Alter and repair clothes for the needy, elderly and homeless.
- Make "I Care" kits with combs, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc. for homeless people.
- Help with repairs at a local homeless shelter.
- Donate art supplies to kids in a homeless shelter.
- Make a care package with mittens, socks, T-shirts, etc. for a child at a homeless shelter.
- Collect grocery coupons to give a local food bank. SPECIAL CHILDREN
- Volunteer to help at a Special Olympics event.
- Set up a buddy system for kids with special needs at your school.
- Volunteer at an agency that works with children with disabilities.
189. Read books or the newspaper on tape for blind or visually impaired people.
190. Make gifts with friends for kids in the hospital.
191. Prepare sack lunches and deliver them to homeless or homebound people.
192. Bring toys to children in the cancer ware of a hospital.
193. Work with physically challenged kinds on an art project.
194. Build a ramp for a person in a wheelchair so it is easier for them to get in and out of their house.
195. Clean a neighbor's yard who can not do it themselves.
196. Get your class to put together a library at a children's hospital.
197. Give valentines and other cards in individuals who are in the local hospital.
198. Hold an Athletics Contest.
199. Visit a rehabilitation center. Learn about patients with special needs. Volunteer to help.
Neighborhood Enhancement:
- Arrange for the local health department to conduct neighborhood health checks.
- Contact Habitat for Humanity to see how you can support them in your community.
- Work with the local health department to set up an immunization day or clinic to immunize children against childhood diseases.
- Produce a neighborhood newspaper.
- Volunteer to clean up trash at a community event or county fair.
- Adopt a pothole and raise funds to repair it.
- Plan native flowers or plants along highways.
- Plant flowers at town hall.
- Lend a helping hand at a local community center.
Performing Arts & Sports:
- Form a band with your friends and give free concerts.
- Serve as a coach for a youth sports team.
- Provide refreshments at a local race or sporting event
The Environment:
- Set up a recycling system for your home and participate in your neighborhood curbside recycling pick-up.
- Collect Old phone books in your neighborhood for recycling.
- Clean up trash along a river or in a park.
- Create a campaign to encourage biking and walking.
- Participate in the Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program, 703-790-4000.
- Hold a recycling contest.
- Check homes and public buildings for lead based paint.
- Clear a new trail at a nature center or park.
Senior Citizens:
- Adopt a "grandfriend"
- Visit a nursing home.
- . Rake leaves, shovel snow, clean gutter or wash windows for a senior citizen.
- Pick up medicine for an elderly person.
- During bad weather, visit seniors to make sure they have everything they need.
- Pick up the morning paper for a senior neighbor on your way to school.
- Form a Mall Patrol with your friends to help seniors with their shopping.
- Form a kids carwash squad to clean and wash seniors' cars.
- Write your "grandfriend" a letter, or write letters for an elderly person.
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