Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What is depth, and what does it mean? Depth is the extent, the intensity, depth is a distinct level of detail. When someone talks about depth of characterization, they are talking about the level of intensity that someone is using in order to describe a character. In “Of Mice and Men” describes many of his main characters in great depth. Of Men and Mice it’s a story of two traveling laborers who are on their way to a job loading barley at a California ranch. The two most important characters in the novel are George Milton and Lennie Small. They are ordinary workmen, moving from town to town and job to job, but they symbolize much more than that. Their names give us our first hints about them. One of Steinbeck's favorite books when he was growing up was Paradise Lost by JohnMilton.

In this long poem, Milton describes the beginnings of evil in the world.He tells of Lucifer's fall from heaven and the creation of hell. He alsodescribes Adam and Eve's fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. By giving George the last name of Milton, Steinbeck seems to be showing that he is an example of fallen man, someone who is doomed to loneliness and who wants to return to the Garden of Eden. Perhaps this is why George is always talking about having his own place and living "off the fat of the land," as Adam and Eve did before theirfall.

Lennie is anything but small physically. He is a big man who is often described with animal images. In the opening scene of the book his hands are called paws and he snorts like a horse, Yet Lennie is small on brains and on responsibility. Someone has always taken care of Lennie and done his thinking and talking for him. First his Aunt Clara looked after him, and now George does. He is like a child, a term George uses several times in describing Lennie to Slim. Lennie has a child's short attention span and tendency to hang onto one idea stubbornly (the rabbits) he will get to tend. He is innocent and "has no meanness in him." In a sense, Lennie and George are both small men. They will never be famous or amount to anything great. Even their dream is a modest one. The ranch George is thinking about costs only $600. They will have just a few chickens and pigs and, of course, rabbits. They will not have to work real hard. George and Lennie are practically opposites in the way they look and in their personalities. George is described as small and quick with sharp features. Lennie is described as big, slow witted,

and shapeless of face. George can comfortably fit into the ranch and world.He plays horseshoes with the others and goes along to the whorehouse on Saturday night. Lennie plays with his puppy in the barn and spends Saturday night in Crooks' room with the other outcasts. Yet it is very difficult to look at George and Lennie separately. Over and over, George explains that their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are together. As Lennie says (repeating George's words): "But not us! An' why? Because... because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's why." It is said that Sigmund Freud, the famous psychoanalyst, has written that each person has two sides - the ego and the id.

The ego is the person's thinking side, the leader figure within him or her. The ID is the physical side of the person, the body and senses. George is obviously the leader of the two men; he does all of their thinking. He remembers the things that must be remembered and instructs Lennie about them. Lennie, on the

other hand, is all body. He "thinks" with his senses. The most important parts of Lennie's body are his hands. He likes to touch soft things, and he does so without thinking.

That's why he keeps getting into trouble. Lennie crushes Curley's hand with his hand, and breaks the necks of his puppy and Curley's wife when his hands get the better of him. It is interesting to note that Lennie gets in trouble only when George is not around. Steinbeck seems to be saying that a body without a mind controlling it can easily get carried away. A person must be a balance of ego and ID. Another way to look at George and Lennie is scientifically. That means each one needs the other in order to live. George and Lennie need each other in the same way. It is obvious why Lennie needs George.

George does his thinking for him and tries to keep him out of trouble. But why does George need Lennie? Lennie is more than just George's companion who keeps him from being lonely. Lennie makes George special. As George says to Slim "Lennie made me seem God damn smart alongside of him...." He adds, "I ain't got no people. I seen the guys that go around on ranches alone. That ain't

no good. They don't have no fun. After a long time they get mean." George tells Lennie that he could have so much fun without him, going into town and maybe spending his money in a whorehouse. But if he did these things he would be just like all the other nobodies on the ranch. Lennie forces George to keep repeating

the vision of the future farm. George seems bored or annoyed each time he begins to tell the story, but soon he gets more excited himself. Lennie's enthusiasm

keeps the vision fresh and alive. When George spots Curley's wife's body in the barn, he says, "I'll work my month an' I'll take my fifty bucks an' I'll stay all night in some lousy cat house...." George knows he will be just another ranch hand without Lennie. One other way that Steinbeck hints at George's need for Lennie is that whenever George is in the bunk house without Lennie around,he plays solitaire. George is basically a loner without Lennie. So Lennie is right then when he says that George takes care of him, and he takes care of George. There is a third way to look at the relationship of the two men – a biblical way.. George and Lennie's story has some strong echoes of the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis. George is not really Lennie's brother, but he is the closest thing to family that Lennie has. George is clearly Lennie's keeper.

He also is Lennie's killer. According to the Bible, after Cain kills Abel, he is forced to wander the earth alone as a fugitive, longing for Eden but never getting there. George too will be a lonely wanderer who no longer has his vision of a garden and paradise without Lennie.

Monday, May 5, 2008


1.What are super delegates?
Is an informal term for some of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, the quadrennial convention of the United States Democratic Party.

2. What are the Pros of Super delegates?
Super delegates will have a huge impact on which candidate the Democrats nominate for the run for the presidency.

3.What are the Cons of Super delegates?
Some Democrats have publicly pledged to leave the party if superdelegates don't follow the popular vote.

May 9th plans

My group is the group planning to sell water ice and ince cream bars on May 9th.We are selling these treats to benifit the needy children in Children's Hospital that want and need new books.

At Children's Hospital, the paths to excellence are many. Patient care remains at the core of our mission, and it is the hallmark of our history. Families of the sickest children in our society continue to seek care at Children's Hospital because here they receive the best care available and the family support that makes all the difference.

Attracting outstanding physicians in every pediatric sub-specialty has enabled Children's Hospital to develop an exceptional breadth of leading specialized programs. The work of Children's Hospital specialists has made immeasurable contributions to the fields of cardiology, oncology, gastroenterology, plastic surgery and neurosurgery, among others. In fact, many of the pediatric surgical techniques and treatment protocols commonly used today were first implemented at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

So my group is just extending a lending hand to the need children for new books!


Service Learning Reflection May 1

In my service learning group my group started off kinda badly.Only one person knew what day we were planning on selling our merchandise but no one knew weather we were going to sell water ice or candy,plus we didnt know how we were going to obtain the books for Children's Hospital.

So once we got ever one to finally stop talking Mrs. Madhi started stating the choices that we came up with last week ( candy, water ice,ice cream bars, cheese stakes, or just to have children bring in books.)

My group then took a tally of how many people wanted to sell each item. Coming up with the and total being water ice people began to argue.Once the noise stopped then we looked upon the positions that we would all take in this opperation in order for it to work.My position was to sell and to set up.There were other positions, like, to get the water ice and ice cream bars, supplying the money etc.

In conclusion my group ended up turning out ok. We now have everything squared away and are planning to sell water ice and ice cream bars on May 9,2008